Monday, October 12, 2009


Hello Fine People. The intention of our Dojo is to have a powerful place where we come together to grow with the Art of Aikido. There are two things I want to bring to everyone’s attention. The first is that with any discipline, there is discipline that is needed to break through the self imposed limitations that may be in the way of us moving upward.
The second thing that is important to address is that there is a flow, or gentler energy that we want to tap into also so that it isn’t a burden, and we naturally move up in a more relaxed and fun way.-------Well, to sum up my intention; be disciplined to come to class and flow with your schedule so that you are applying Aikido to life.

This week at the Dojo:

***Thursday: It is Train at Your Level Day in all of the classes!

***Thursday: Intermediate seminar for the ranks of 4th and 3rd Kyus at 12 noon, and 7 pm. All student levels are also training at these times also.

***Saturday: Women’s class at 11am till 12 noon .

Saturday: Special Seminar with Peyton Quinn. Title: Aikido Concepts for Real World Self- Defense. Peyton is a world renowned instructor in the field of Human behavioral Development and personal growth. He has taught this type of seminar all over the world and has influenced various groups, including: Hollywood actors, Educational Professionals, and various types of Police and Military professionals that use his training in real life situations.

*** The reason I have invited Peyton back to the Reno Dojo is that I wanted to provide another opportunity to our students to experience this seminar live. (this is a different seminar then the previous performed in Reno) We will be filming and completing a DVD from this seminar. I feel that when we understand how to deal with fear, and get past it, it provides you with the ability to go into the higher principles and practice of Aikido. It is $50 for the seminar, and you will receive Peyton’s previous self defense DVD series for free. Please invite anyone you feel could benefit from this unique event.

Let’s have a great week! Vince Sensei

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